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MASE NExt Steps

Since 2015, we’ve engaged with over 12,000 unique men involved in the commercial sex industry here in Fort Worth. This is only possible through a community of men who believe that girls are not for sale.

If you want to join us on the front lines engaging and disrupting men from buying sex in Fort Worth, join our Disruption Team today.

To become a Disruption Team member, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Attend a Volunteer Orientation

  2. Complete the Orientation Follow Up

  3. Fill out a MASE Volunteer Application

Complete these post-application requirements

  1. Take the Sexual Addiction Screening Test

  2. Read Who Buys Sex from Demand Abolition

  3. Listen to Violence Against Women - It’s a Mens Issue by Jackson Katz

  4. Read The Meaning of Manhood by Phillip Holmes

  5. Respond to requirements 2, 3 and 4 from above on this form.

  6. Complete an interview with a Net Staff Member

Other MASE Opportunities listed below.

Due to the sensitive nature of working with this population, all MASE volunteers are required to attend one of our educational events,* as well as complete a background check and interview. If you are interested in getting involved but have not attended one of our educational events, please email

*Educational events include Volunteer Orientation, an Anti-Trafficking Summit, or quarterly MASE Breakfast.

Overview of MASE Opportunities:

Disruption Team - Application

  • The Disruption Team seeks to holistically address the demand for commercial sex in Fort Worth by disrupting it on several levels, including point of sale disruptions of sex buyers.

  • 6 month commitment; 2 hours per month

MASE Advocate - Application

  • MASE Advocates use their time and skills to directly serve women in the RISE Program through moving help, lawn care, general handy work, car maintenance, etc.

  • Quarterly commitment; one event per quarter

MASE Breakfast - Register for more info

  • Our quarterly MASE breakfasts provide education, build community, and start conversations around the relevant social and cultural issues that drive the demand for commercial sexual exploitation.

MASE Ambassador - Sign the Pledge

  • MASE’s mission relies on men like you feeling connected to our work and understanding your influence matters in our city. Become an ambassador today!

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Disrupting Demand
Changing Culture