The Net - Sex Trafficking & Exploitation Non-Profit in Fort Worth
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Ready to join the fight against trafficking? Our next online Volunteer Orientation is March 27th from 7:30-8:30pm.

Fighting for a world where girls are not for sale


Women and kids are trafficked every day in North Texas

At The Net, we disrupt sex trafficking and support survivors because everyone is worthy of the chance to rebuild their lives.

Women survivors of trafficking are caught in cycles of addiction, abuse and incarceration, and the buyers who perpetuate the problem aren’t held accountable.

We know you want to care for these vulnerable women and change the culture around you, but may not know where to start.

Providing opportunities to rebuild lives destroyed by trafficking


How it Works

Disrupting trafficking and supporting survivors requires a network of passionate individuals,
businesses, and churches coming together to take a stand. Get involved in the fight against trafficking
today through one of our three core programs, Purchased, MASE, or The Worthy Co.!



Purchased provides a trauma-informed community of support for survivors of trafficking. Through our three-pronged approach of Outreach, Advocacy, and Enrichment, women can rebuild their lives and walk in freedom.


MASE (Men Against Sexual Exploitation) disrupts sex trafficking at the source and reduces demand through buyer engagement and community education. Led by men to reach men, MASE is on a mission to change culture and create a world where girls are not for sale.

The Worthy Co.

The Worthy Co. is The Net's social enterprise that supports survivors of trafficking through hands-on job training. Women hand craft products and 100% of your purchase directly supports the mission!